Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Day

Saturday December 25, 2010

It turned cooler overnight and the furnace ran intermittently until about 9am. It was mostly cloudy and the wind was blowing over 20mph, so even though it was probably 60 outside it didn’t seem like it. I made chili and that was our Christmas dinner – we will have the steaks when cooking outside is a little more pleasant.

Very quiet day – more Christmas movies.

Aransas Pass and Port Aransas

Friday December 24, 2010

Had a real lazy morning and didn’t get moving until around 2pm. Had to stop at the office and pay for an additional day since I had only paid for two nights and that would put us out on Christmas day. Then we drove around exploring first to Ingleside and then over the ship channel (ferry) to Port Aransas. Port Aransas is a real beach town with RV parks all over the place and even RVs parked on the beach. There is a road on the beach – meaning that you are allowed to drive on the beach. We did a little beach walking and then headed back to Aransas Pass to buy some groceries and our Christmas Dinner. Bought some nice steaks for the special meal and some fixins for chili.

Quiet evening watching Christmas movies on TV.

San Antonio to Aransas Pass

Thursday December 23, 2010

The weather continued to be mostly cloudy but the temperature was still very pleasant. We got packed up and headed for Aransas Pass. As we approached Corpus Christi the petro/chem industry was much in evidence with several refineries right along our route. Getting through Corpus Christi was not much of a problem but it was near midday so I wouldn’t expect heavy traffic. We arrived at the Ransom Road RV park at about 3pm and got set up. I think most of the residents were regulars that had been there before or were full time residents – everybody seemed to know everyone else and all were friendly.

Supper was Mexican at a place up the road a couple of miles.

Wednesday December 22, 2010

It was overcast today with some fog during the early morning hours, but still very nice with a high of about 70.

My one chore today was to buy a wire brush and clean the jack screws on the trailer stabilizers. Cathey wasn’t interested in doing any shopping so I headed towards WalMart, dreading the Christmas crowds. But then I saw an Advance Auto Store and got what I needed there. Then a quick stop at a Walgreens’ for a few items that we needed and back to the trailer. Sometime in my past history with the trailer, I had put some spray grease on the stabilizer jack screws and now they were gummed up and turned hard – even for my handy dandy impact wrench. So I got down on the ground and brushed them off cleanly and sprayed them with silicone lubricant. They seemed to move much easier maybe it did some good…..

For supper we went to a nearby Mexican restaurant named El Palacitos. The food was good and the price was right – what a combination!

Evenings are usually a mix of TV and reading or computer exploration.