Monday January 28th
Did a few chores around the trailer, went for a short walk and then headed into town for lunch. I was going to the "Chicago Grill" in the nearby mall but turned the wrong way out of the driveway and before I got turned around I decided that Basha's deli was a better choice. They have a Starbuck's in the store and a pretty nice seating area. I had a leisurely lunch, and then looked over my AZ map book and found a road that looked like it would take me around the back side of Lake Havasu and up to Yucca on I-40. So I texted Cathey with my plans and gave her road names so she would know where to send the searchers in case I didn't return.
I headed S to Parker and then NE on Shea Road. The road was paved, which surprised me, but I think there is a large mine off in this direction, so there is probably commuter traffic as well as supply trucks going in and out. There were a lot of RVs parked along the road in various areas. These are the folks who are very self contained and don't need all the amenities of an RV park - like water, sewer, electricity and cable TV. All have their ATVs for exploring the desert and I met several of them on the road. The pavement ends at the point where the road crosses the Central Arizona Canal, which carries water from Lake Havasu to Phoenix. From there the road was pretty well maintained gravel and then dwindled to a single lane which wasn't so well maintained. I noticed that Sahuaro cacti grow in this area, which is different than around Lake Havasu City. They have them in town in Lake Havasu City, but not out in the desert. I thought I might see some wild burros but I didn't although I did see a lot of evidence that they had been there.
The map book showed the road crossing the Williams River (a river with actual water in it) and continuing N. But in reality there is a locked gate just before you get to the river and that was as far as I got. Close to the gate was an old building; I'm not sure what it was but there were several old mines in the area, so I assume it was living quarters for miners. I rummaged through the garbage dump where there were many old tin cans and other metal scraps but the only thing I found of interest was a spent rifle shell.
I would have liked to taken the road to Bouse on the way back but it was too late and I didn't want any surprises on the road after dark, so I returned the same way that I had gone. It gets dark about 6pm ; I got to Parker about 6:15 and 'home' by 7:30.